Articles in the httpd category
App App App App
<?php function get_key($pi) { $terms = strlen($pi) != 0 ? $pi : 'Monday'; $key = end(explode('/', $terms)); return $key; } $key = get_key($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']); $mckey = 'demowebapp.' . $key; $mc = new Memcache; $mc->connect('', 11211); $val = $mc->get($mckey); if (!$val) { $pgconn = pg_connect("host= dbname=demowebapp"); $res = pg_query …
New versions of mod_whatkilledus and mod_backtrace
A couple of weeks ago I started playing around on Windows to learn how to get backtraces programatically, as the first step to getting mod_whatkilledus and mod_backtrace working on that platform.
This afternoon I finished testing a rewrite of the two modules and hurriedly put together a distribution zip and …
Gotta love SymInitialize()
Yesterday morning I started playing with a complete rewrite of mod_whatkilledus and mod_backtrace. I have a handful of goals for the rewrite, but the largest one is to have the functionality available on the Windows platform.
I started with trying to get a backtrace for a crashing module on Windows …